Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3rd Trimester

Can you believe it we're in the third trimester???

You're growing by leaps and bounds!

Your daddy and I went to our OBGYN's appointment yesterday, and your poor daddy had to watch part of President Obama's inauguration on the little hand held portable TV and the swearing-in part on the TV at the doctor's office.

The doctor said you were growing well, with a strong heartbeat at 145bpm. Because I have been using panty liners ( pregnancy discharge is way more than non-pregnant discharge ) - TOO MUCH INFORMATION, but what the hey - the doctor decided to do an impromptu check of mummy's cervix to see if there was any dilation going on. Fortunately, it was closed.

Your daddy was on the edge of freaking at this little extra piece of examination. He asked the doctor that if anything happened now, if you would have good chances of survival out of the womb, and the doctor smilingly reassured him that you should do well. I must say your daddy's holding up pretty well considering what a worry wort he is :) He just loves you to bits and can't help luvin' your mummy's tummy all the time :)

Pregnancy weight gain to date : 20.5 lbs. ( bleh ! )


Anonymous said...

letti, I gained at least 40 lbs with Aidan and am still keeping at least 8 now. You are still so tiny!
I was 1cm at 30months and Aidan was 2 days late, still. :)
We are all getting very excited for you, chieh!


The Chansburys said...

mate, i've put on 13kgs already and still going, so don't complain - you're doing real well, apart from your scary american docs who go checking on your bits whenever! so glad we have minimal intervention down under!!!! ;)