Monday, January 5, 2009

Your Daddy Felt You Kick!!!

26 weeks and 3 days

Remember when I told you that I was going to try and get your daddy to listen to your heartbeat with the stethoscope? Well, that didn't happen.. What DID happen, however, was way more exciting.

Daddy felt you kick for the very first time yesterday night! At 10.25 pm! ( or thereabouts ). And WE TOOK PICTURES!!! I mean, how silly is that ? *grin*

I was trying to get in a position on the bed where I could get a good heartbeat for your daddy to listen to, when you gave me a little kick on the chestpiece. Your daddy walked into the room right then, and I thought, well, we'll see if he can feel you squirming instead, since you were doing a BUNCH of that.

( this is NOT a pic of MY belly, btw.. LOL )

I quickly grabbed your daddy's hand and put it on my belly right over where you were kicking. At first, daddy had this "uh hu, I bet I still can't feel anything this time" look on his face, so when you kicked real hard, and daddy felt you bump his hand, he had this most incredulous look on his face, it was sooo priceless. At first he asked if MUMMY was doing that, and I said "HOW does one do that with their belly??" Your daddy's too silly :) And then you kicked at his hand a few more times, and your daddy just about keeled over! He was soooo excited!

Daddy : "Quick! Where's the camera??"

Mommy : "Why would you want the camera?"

Daddy : " We need pictures for posterity!!!"

Anyway, we positioned the camera on the dresser with the timer, and your daddy ran back over to the bed and placed his hand on mummy's tummy just in time to capture the moment.

It's times like these that I am just bursting with love for my boys :)


Unknown said...

I love this picture. It is so sweet. See? Nothing to showing your belly when you are baking. But you will never catch me that naked when i am not pregnant.

letti said...

lol except it ain't my belly :) But I know what you mean. That would probably be the ONLY time I would ever take pictures of my belly. EVER. Unless I was suddenly a 115lb petite little thing :)

Frances Clements said...

I should have loaned you my fetoscope. Oh well.

That is exciting for LD to feel the baby.

Anonymous said...

where is the pix of YOUR belly?