Saturday, May 7, 2011


It's interesting to follow how your speech/vocabulary progresses with time.


One of the examples is that you used to say "Bye Bye DI", with the "DI" following the "Bye Bye" without fail. For some time now, you have dropped the "DI", and at times, even say "Good Bye".

You also often surprise me by saying new words ( as well as longer sentences ) all the time.

Another word you used was "Shee You" for "Crayon".
Yesterday, we had been coloring with some crayons. This morning, I wake up to find the pink crayon missing.

Mama : "Jaxon, do you know where the pink crayon is?"
Jaxon : "Oh, Pink Shay Yon, Ah AAAARRR yooooo?" ( Oh, Pink Crayon, Where ARE you?? )

Today we were at Mamo's house for Mother's Day as well as Mike's birthday, and Baby Jet wasn't too happy about something, and started whimpering. You looked back at Jet, and said, "Mama, baby crying!"

You already know your alphabets, a bunch of colours, numbers from 1 - 10 and love to try and sing along to some simple rhymes or songs from Dora the Explorer. Your favourite at the moment is the ABC Song.. You will try to sing the alphabets in order, and then go "Now I.. ABC, ah, ME!!!!!"

I'll try to get more examples down as I think of them.. Right now, I'm ready for bed. Love you, little boy. *kiss*

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