Monday, May 26, 2014

Confidence and Milestones

Now that you are getting bigger and taller, you are so much more confident in using the playground equipment.  You used to be wary of some things - i always think it is my fault, having been a "helicopter parent" a lot of your life.  Even now, I always tell you I always need to be able to see you, when we are out.

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You derive a great sense of achievement when you are able to accomplish something on your own.

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I see you walking nonchalantly up this thing down here, and I can remember when you were horrified/terrified by it :)

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One of the things that people ask us about, when they find out that you are home schooled, they almost always bring up the "how about socialisation" part.  To me, you are very well adjusted that way.  Whenever there are kids at the park, you have no problem playing with them at all.  You are always sweet and kind to them. :)

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