Sunday, July 29, 2018

G3 W42

Read! Read! Read!

Learn! Learn! Learn!

Expand. Your. Mind!

Have. Fun. Reading!

Stories. From. All. Over!

We did the Starburst Rock Cycle Experiment, which was pretty interesting and made it easier to remember the processes and the different types.

The last part involved heating up for "metamorphosis" :)

We also dug up a little bit of dirt to observe what it was made up of..

And we learned about the Declaration of Independence,

and you retrieved a box of Cars Toys that you hadn't played with in a while.  Toys that hadn't been played with for a bit seem fresh and new again.

You helped me de-seed cherries for lunch,

and we walked through the Oliver Jeffers Exhibition as part of the CALF happenings around town.

Then, we walked over to by the train tracks and the sculptures downtown..

where there were plenty of Photo Ops :)

Oh, and you couldn't resist taking a bite out of this huge Burger Display.

We visited the outdoor area at McDonald's that used to be a haven for a certain little boy when The Men were inside chatting.  Gone are the trees and cover overhead though.

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