Monday, July 30, 2018

G3 W43

This week, I decided not to go look for replacement pictures for the photos you have taken of the books....really because I don't have the time :)

I would like to think that I have at least tried to expose you to a wide variety of subjects and cultures, that your interest of the world in general will have been piqued.

School goes on as usual, using my computer a lot of the time, then going on to self work.

We studied soil and did a few experiments - your favorite kind of school :)

We revised what we had learned about fossils and did another experiment.

We compared your handprints to those from.. was it last year or 2 years ago? This was the activity where once the children completed their summer reading, they let you put your handprint on a pillar inside the library.  See how much bigger your hand it :)

And then there was the time you drew Charlie Brown at his pondering wall. :) 

Uno Tippo is always fun, eh? :)

And then there's the Jaxon-Silky Dynamic :)
More like Dynamic Duo :)

And there was the time you were Carnac the Magnificent, and had some mega random moves in Walmart. :)

And also the time you went all Jurassic Park on us at the park in Breckenridge. :)

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