We try to keep our reading material diversified,
and for now, you have been very receptive to just every book that we borrow. Most of the time, you are happy for me to pick the books out, but sometimes you will hand me a book or two that had caught your eye.

We also try to learn about important people and how they affected the world we live in today.
For this particular week, the Stikbot that you got for your birthday saw a lot of action :)
They were up to all kinds of antics. :)

One even went all Star Wars on us.

You still had stikbot on the brain at Bible Class later that week.

We discovered planking while watching movies,

After watching Rogue One, we found that there was a HUGE display at Walmart. Now how are we going to resist that, huh?

You look a lot like your Aunt Marsha in these photos :)

Here's you loving your Cosmic Carrot :)

And the time we did Spanish in bed...

and joined in with the little ones to make some Art.

And how we delighted in a tiny acorn that had a huge cap :)

Or marveling in the magic of an ice arch :)