I can't remember what brought it up, but you requested we borrow the Ninja Cowboy Bear books again :) I think they're adorable, and you like the Ninja Cowboy Bear
game at the end of the book.

We also had the usual Dav Pilkey fare besides learning about more serious subjects.

We continued learning about other cultures

and revisited some more familiar ones as well.

I love getting to enjoy and explore new stories with you,and seeing them through your eyes.

Have I mentioned I introduced you to Calvin and Hobbes and you fell in love? :)

A special treat this week was Maddie visiting her Pop Pop next door before her school term started. You also made a new friend - his name escapes me now - but he was quite friendly.
You guys had a grand time on the trampoline, playing The Bottle Challenge and petting the horses.

We also brought out the Circuit set again for you to tinker with, which you appreciated.

You love wearing your Goggles and hey, if there's no harm done, what the hey.

You thought that it was hilarious when you noticed how the description for a photo on one of our online books was different from what it actually was. :)
Last but not least, can I say I am at least a little bit envious of you being able to share a loveseat with Chris Pratt!?