Daddy and I are always amazed at the number of books ( thousands and thousands, I'm sure ) that you have read by now, compared to when WE were kids.

I'm not too sure about Daddy's situation when he was a child, but when I was a child, we never went to the library. Perhaps because it was because the local town library was poorly stocked and hardly had anything when I was growing up.

Also, for some reason, I can't seem to remember if there actually WAS a library at the primary / secondary school I attended. I know that the school I attended in Upper Secondary had one, but I think it was very underutilized. Plus, the teachers never actually encouraged us to borrow and read books back then, for some reason.

Since the weather started getting cooler, we have brought out some of the "Cold Weather Items", and one of them is your little Angry Birds blanket, which you put to good use while we watched Journey 2 :)

And then there was the time when the Golden Fish got to swim in the Golden Yolk.

I know, I know, it is ( was ) October. These guys were everywhere, and you never want to miss a photo op. Ever.

And THIS was me doing a DIY microscope for Science, seeing how we didn't have one. It was fairly easy. We were trying to see the individual plant cells using a very thin one-cell-thick onion skin. I rigged a flashlight over a plastic container,
and then played around with the zoom feature of the cell phone camera. Pretty impressive stuff, I might say.

And although you are the only child and are homeschooled, you are never afraid of making friends everywhere you go. We saw this little girl over at the Baptist Church indoor playground, and in no time, you were running around, playing Hide And Seek and Catch with her.

She played a mean game of catch.

The girl had Mad Skillz.