Friday, September 27, 2019

Feelin' the Fall at HEB

You know how we don't ever let any photo op go by.. especially not when it is the cut-out kind :)

Totally adorbs. 

Library Books This Week

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Science of Plants!

You know, xylems and phloems and all that good goop.

AND they make a good crunchy snack :)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

It Was a Jigsaw Puzzle Kind of Day

We have had this jigsaw puzzle forever, when we were in the lower grades, just starting to learn about the geography of the United States.

It got dug up while we were doing something else, and so what do you do when that happens?  You solve it!

And how about that natural Superman Curl now?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Sequence for Kids!

We know that the recommended age on the box is 3-6, but we don't care! We still have loads of fun especially if you take the "diabolical route"

More Splash Pad Fun!

We are really trying to get the most out of the Splash Pad as we can, seeing how they probably will be closed for the cold ( it would be "coolish" where we are, but still... ) weather soon.

MORE Splash Pad Rules...

Clean Teeth and Bright Smiles!

You had a dental appointment to clean your teeth and overall checkup and all like that, and you did very well. Daddy insisted on being there the whole time, but the dentist was sweet and explained everything to all of us.

and, ever since Uncle Lin gave you that Hawaiian shirt, you have been semi obsessed with it and want to wear it at every opportunity :)

Library Books This Week

Sunday, September 8, 2019

G5 W4 An Eggy Eggsperiment

We were learning about the permeability of membranes and solutes and solutions and movement of water and whatnot, and did a simple experiment over a few days.

I think it was a great success!

Friday, September 6, 2019

This Week at the Splash Pad

If you look closely, you can see a little boy sliding down the blue slide...
I thought that the colorful shadows made by the "umbrella" shades were delightful, 
and how can you not take a photo of a sign that has the words "diapers" and "diarrhea" on it.

Leftover Lover

Till now, I have usually made a sandwich for you to eat at Sunrise, ( because you think you don't really like the food there all that  much ) but lately, you have been requesting our leftovers to bring along.

I can't remember what THIS particular leftover was, but I feel very blessed that I have a sweet boy who compliments his mom's cooking this way, and doesn't mind eating leftovers... and I don't have to remember to have the fixings for a sandwich! So many birds with one stone.

Library Books This Week

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Our 6 Legged Frenemy

We have plenty of these critters around here in the spring and summer months.  They can be quite destructive, eating up all the rose leaves and anything else they can find.

No, we are not exacting revenge on one of them.  We are merely observing him, seeing how he is quite a large specimen, all In The Name of SCIENCE!

Monday, September 2, 2019

A Blast from the Past

We dug out a puzzle that we had used to keep the kids occupied at your Star Wars themed 8th birthday party,

*Flashback a-comin' right up*

and you took no time at all putting it back together.

This time, we used Puzzle Glue on it to make a nifty art piece for your wall. :)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

G5 W3 A Random Moment in Time

of a boy and his cat, even though the cat looks supiciously like he has rabbit ears. Come to think of it, I don't know which end of the cat is which in this photo. 🤷