Friday, September 30, 2022

Last Night's Dinner, This Morning


Imitation Crab Salad with Crackers and Peas, Curried Noodles, Zucchini Fritters, Fried Rice with 5 Spice Potatoes, Ravioli with Salad, Shepherd's Pie with Salad, Mushroom Chicken with Rice and Peas and Carrots

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Last Night's Dinner, This Morning


Fried Chicken Rice with Green Beans and Jalapeño Poppers, Red Beans and Rice with Apples and Green Beans, Salmon Patties with Garlic Bread and Broccoli, Chili Dogs, Green Enchiladas with corn and cucumbers, Pasta with Buffalo Drumsticks and Salad, Singapore Mai Fun with Chicken and Broccoli.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Sunday, September 18, 2022

"Not Amused" is the Caption that should go under The Pics

You are quite resistant to haircuts. 

You like the way you look when your hair is all long and afro-frizzy,

( MineSweeping While Getting A Haircut )

but sometimes Mama's just got to tame that Massive Mane of yours, even if just for a while..

because within a week or so, one would not be able to tell that I just gave you a haircut.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Last NIght's Dinner, This Morning


Mac and Cheese with Mixed Veg and Chicken Fried Chicken with Mushroom Gravy, Chicken Salad Sandwich Croissants, Eggplant Lasagna with Green Beans, Lo Mein with Broccoli Chicken, The Big Salad and Chicken Breast with Veg and Mashed Potato with Gravy.

The Bros

I only just realised you are wearing the Stampy Cat tee shirt in this pic. 

How apt!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Boys

All decked out in your cycling gear again. Have to have those long sleeves and pants, as well as gloves, to protect against the harsh sun.  I also insist that you wear a baseball cap under your helmet to protect your face.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

On our Daily Walk

It has been too long and I cannot remember why you have all your biking gear on, but are instead, walking..... Did the bike have a problem? Did you just change your mind and want to walk instead? I have no idea. 

Last Night's Dinner, This Morning.

Hmm.. Ground Turkey with Corn and Spinach Salad and Keropok?, Fried Rice with Fish Fingers and Green Beans,  Bourbon Street Chicken, Sweet Potatoes and Garlic Bread, Chicken Spaghetti Casserole, Turkey Burger with Broccoli, Pizza with Buffalo Drum Sticks, Pasta with Chicken Bolognaise Sauce and Salad. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Last Night's Dinner, This Morning


Ris with Baked Beans and Buttered Italian Bread, Wontons with Bowtie Pasta, Green Enchiladas with Green Beans.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mummy and Jaxon Sunset Wefie

We need to have me brave and confident enough to be in more photos.