Lubby Hubby and I started our quest for a baby in February. We didn't tell anyone, because we didn't know how successful we would be, and we didn't want to add to the stress and anxiety of the whole thing. I had started a blog on Trying to Conceive before this, but scrapped it because it got too painful after several months of not getting pregnant and convincing myself month after month that I was flawed in some way or that I was doing something wrong, and generally being a complete wreck for a lot of each month and end up feeling sorry for myself and have a pity party by myself on the blog.
So why start another now? Well.. because of THIS
Okay, to the "untrained" eye.. ahem, one might be going.."eh? I don't see nuthin'". But believe me when I say that I have seen enough Big Fat Negatives to know when there is a faint SOMETHING on the test.
It is day 34 of my cycle, and my cycles are usually 30 - 32 days, and still no Aunt Flo. There has been some mild cramping on and off since Sunday ( about 3 days ago ). The test above was taken yesterday after we came home from our weekly grocery shopping - I had hopped over to Dollar Tree to go get some tests ( I am a closet Pee on a stick maniac and that was the cheapest way to "indulge"), and I was getting ready to see another BFN when suddenly, around 4 minutes into the test, there was this tiny faint little pink line...
We'll see in the next few days if this holds up, or if it's a false alarm. But I HAVE been feeling unusually tired and sleepy these days, besides cramping on and off... BAH
But then again, that could be PMS as well.
BUT BUT BUT If I'm preggers, I would be 4 weeks and 5 days...
Hopefully I'll have more positive thoughts on this blog, with a fresh new start, preggo or no preggo.
letti out.