Thursday, July 31, 2008

Half hearted

I guess these test sticks from Dollar Tree should be sensitive enough. I see online on all the different forums where women post their "peed-on" sticks from the Dollar Store, that look like they give a very clear positive.

I dunno. I did another one today, but it is still faint. I'm still not keeping any hopes up. Should I go get one from Walmart or something? We'll see how it goes.

I forgot to take my temperature this morning when I woke up. It had been quite a fitful night. Woke up umpteen times to pee - good grief. And then woke up at 7 am. I'm not that much of a sloth, but waking up at 7 am hasn't really been my deal. BUT since Sunday, I've been waking up earlier and earlier and earlier! No wonder I get tired at noon.

No signs of Aunt Flo as yet, and don't seem to be having any cramps this morning. BBs are still majorly sore. TMI? So what. I have to get all of this out of my system somehow.

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