Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jaxon Week 9

This was a week of trepidation because we knew that at the end of it, you were scheduled for a well child visit with the doctor, which entailed shots. Ugh.

Anyway, seeing that you were getting bigger, and now able to wear them, we broke out the socks that your daddy's cousin Geoff had sent you, which was a collection of Cowboy Boots socks that were part of your baby registry.


Sometimes you can get clingy, but mommy has other stuff to take care of out in the yard or around the house.. so she puts you in the Infantino Easy Rider, and totes you off to join her adventures.. We have also bought a Peanut Sling and will have photos of you in that, in the next post, perhaps.




You've definitely been smiling and cooing more, and sometimes it looks like you're determined to get your point across by hook or by crook.

( Daddy quote : "Man, he's making dolphin sounds" )


You love baths.. it must be the relaxing warm water and "massage" that you get. Thank you Aunt Marsha for the wonderful tub.. it comes with a newborn hammock that helps keep squirmy wet babies in place so mommas don't panic so much. Here you are trying to be the Bath Time Chef.



After your warm baths, you usually start to zone out and get real sleepy. I don't blame you. :)



Maybe with all that sleep, that's why you're up to 13lbs 6oz !!!! ( Birth weight 2 months before was 7lbs 9 oz ) and 22 3/4 inches in length. I mean, children grow in their sleep, but you're up to the 80th percentile in weight for your age :) And all that on momma's nutrition too, coz for some reason, you have stopped wanting/needing formula. At your doctor's visit, the pediatrician was very pleased with your development so far and impressed by momma's "production".. LOL..



You didn't know about having to be immunized that day, but you had 2 shots in one thigh and one shot in the other, plus another oral dose. Mummy had given you baby tylenol before the appointment, but at that point, it didn't seem to have helped. You were fussier than usual when we got home, and through the night, but were pretty much back to normal the next afternoon.



Daddy quote :

( In an incredulous voice to the doctor : "Don't they double their weight at SIX MONTHS??" )


Frances Clements said...

Well, isn't he just a pile of chubby cuteness.

Moments In Time said...

He looks 6 months in that pic on the pead's table!!! Keep up the good work Momma... it must feel so satisfying with the steady 'production', it clearly shows on the little bubba :)

Thao said...

He is a pile o chubby cuteness. Mine are going in for their 4 monthe well and round of shots. I think Dean is about 13-14 pounds.