Wednesday, October 3, 2018

More Science!

The last time we did anything like this, we didn't have our beloved digital microscope.  I mean, it isn't the super duper expensive high definition thing that I hope to have one day, but for now it is fantastic.

First,  I went outside and started gathering as many different kinds of flowers as I could find, and put them in a plastic bag,
then we got them out and talked a little about how they were different.

I have no idea what you were thinking in this pic, but you look like you were slyly smiling. :D
Our first specimen was this little yellow flower,
and we were so amazed at how much we could see using the microscope,
the male and female parts, and all the tiny little hairs etc.
Then, we cut a flower in half, right down the ovary,
and could see the little oviules that were inside.

We even caught a teeny tiny little worm that was like 1mm long, except he looked huge under the microscope.

Here's another little insect that looked just humongous.
It was quite fascinating to see all the different reproductive parts of the flower, and even the pollen bits.

The variety of shapes and sizes and colors was just crazy.



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