Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Christmas Bike

You received a "big boy"/"adult" sized bike for Christmas, and couldn't wait to try it out.

We had a little boy's bike with training wheels when you were littler, and you got to be a pro with that, but we never did transition to a non-training wheels bike, and so we were a little apprehensive at first. 

We DID know though, that this was one of the things, that once you got the hang of, you would love and enjoy.

The first day we went out to practice, you were very wobbly, and I coached you on trying to just glide along with it for a bit etc.  Even though you had to put your feet down for balance every couple of feet, you were very diligent and wanted to keep at it.

You promised that you were going to practice every single day :)

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