Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bawl Fest

I think today was the first time I've had such a major bawl fest since we found out I was pregnant. It had to do with when we should let people know about the pregnancy.

From the start, lubby hubby had wanted the whole thing to be hush hush because he didn't want me to get too devastated if it didn't happen, and we'd have to tell everyone that we'd informed, the bad news.

Anway, so I was in the mode of "Okay, so we'll tell when YOU say we're ready". So when Lubby Hubby asked me about when people tell others, I told him that I had read that it was up to the individual and some people told early, others waited till after the first trimester etc. Then he asked, "so what was the concensus"? And i answered, like i said, diff. people tell at diff times, I can't give you a concensus. Then he got irritated, and I got all emotional and started bawling.

Long story short, we'll try to get an appointment with Steph's OBGYN and then tell people after the first appointment, when everything would seem more confirmed and "official".

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