Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm living the pepto bismol nightmare

Nausea Heartburn Indigestion Upset Stomach ( minus the diarrhoea )

The nausea is getting worse.. it used to be a couple of times a day and for short periods of time, but the past few days, it's been almost persistent throughout the day. The hubs will look over at me, and I'd be looking all pitiful. Then he'd ask me if I was feeling bad, and I'd tell him that I'd get hungry and then it'd get intense all of the sudden, and I'd get heartburn, and then I'd eat something and I'd get indigestion + heartburn, and mixed in with all this is the ever-present nausea in the background.

Not fun.

I had gotten some ginger candy at the Filipino Food Store, and we got some ginger snaps at Walmart a while ago. The ginger candy seems to help some, but I've yet to put the ginger snaps to the test....

But the hubs does all he can to help me out with everything around the house and makes sure I'm comfortable and get enough rest and everything. *sigh* My sweetness.


Monica said...

My sister had hyperemesis, its probably just morning sickness for you but keep an eye on it, she had it the ENTIRE pregnancy for both children and had to be on medication the whole time, she had to initially go into the hospital in the beginning to get re-hydrated(its like having morning sickness for 9 months)

Lindy said...

Crackers helped me. Not filling but kept something on my stomach that I could keep down. It'll get better after the first trimester. Heck, use your karma & send some vibes to the hubs. He can take some sick time too!

Frances Clements said...

I am glad Larry David is taking good care of you. Thanks for the reports. I am glad you are cherishing every moment. Even the unpleasant ones.

McMGrad89 said...

GINGER ALE!! The bubbles help along with the actual soothing quality of ginger.

I read you also have acid reflux. Tums will be your best friend. Especially when the baby gets too big for your body and presses on your stomach.

Best wishes and keep us updated.