I am way behind on these posts, and this one was back from early April. I hope I can catch up again.
Chapter Books! I have been trying to introduce new ones to you, especially ones with more words and less pictures. Not that pictures aren't good, but I just want to gradually get you more and more used to books that are no less exciting and wonderful, but just that have a lot less illustrations.

I still go up and down the aisles at the library sometimes, trying to pick things out that we haven't read, which would seem interesting or educational.

Sometimes you hand me one that we have read, but that you want to revisit. :)

Ah, why the random full on face photo? Well, you see, I have delegated the job of taking photos of the books we read every week, to you. And of course, who can resist silly selfies with a camera at their disposal ? :)

School is still going on full force, even though it's at our pace, and not really following the regular school's designated semester time frames.

You love experiments and hands on work, so you were totally delighted when we did something to illustrate how blubber keeps animals warm in the cold regions of the Earth.

"Delighted" is really putting it lightly. Needless to say, you wanted to "feel the texture of the actual butter", and how could I say no. I did give some conditions that were along the lines of PLEASE DON'T GET BUTTER EVERYWHERE!

Then, there was the day when you decided you needed to come up with an edition of your own newspaper, complete with crossword puzzles, jokes and different sections.
My tired brain is a little battle weary for those kinds of things, but it fascinates me that you are so full of imagination and creativity.

Ah, then there was the time when you REALLY REALLY needed to make some fruit kebabs.
Under supervision, of course.

One little tradition that you have started is, when we are at The Grocery Store, you would get a few pieces of the wire ties, and ask me what shape I would like you to come up with.
I think this one was supposed to be a baby with a diaper on.
I mean, you see it, don't you? :)

I love you, my little voracious reader.