Saturday, August 3, 2019


I was at my "desk" when you came running out your room, yelling "OUCH! OUCH!".

You said that the bottom of your foot was suddenly hurting like crazy, but you hadn't stepped on or bumped into anything.  You had gotten up from your chair and then POW, the pain was there.

You pointed to the fleshy pad between the 4th and little toe, and as I looked closely, I could see a little dot and a welt starting to grow.

The pain wasn't subsiding, and I couldn't see a thorn in the area, so I asked you to show me where you started having the pain. My mommy-spidey senses was telling me it might very well be a scorpion sting, by the history and physical examination.

Sure enough, right there by your chair, was the blasted arachnid. You must have stepped on it when you got up out of your chair and it attacked then.

I immediately grabbed the first thing I could put my hands on, and squashed it. 

Then, we quickly put some ice onto your sting area, and I made you take some antihistamine and tylenol.

After a while, the pain subsided, and at the end of the day, one couldn't even tell that you had been stung.

Daddy then said scorpions start moving about and getting into homes when the weather starts to change dramatically - and yup, we are getting into a slew of over 100F days which will last for a while.

We were glad you were not allergic to the sting, and that we found the scorpion and it wasn't still lurking about, ready for its next strike.

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